Tuesday, January 24, 2012

belajar fkash untuk pemula

Apa itu Flash?

Sejak diperkenalkan pada tahun 1996, Flash atau Macromedia Flash menjadi sangat populer dan langsung mendapat tempat di hati masyarakat dunia web karena dapat membuat menampilkan animasi dan interaksi di web. Tetapi sejak bulan Desember 2005, perusahaan Macromedia dibeli oleh Adobe dan kini berganti nama menjadi Adobe Flash sejak versi 9 atau CS3.

Demo Karya Flash

Di mana saya bisa mendapatkan hasil karya yang dibuat dengan Flash? Di Babaflash.com sendiri banyak hasil karya orang Indonesia yang dibuat dengan Flash seperti:
Kelebihan dan Kemampuan Flash
  • Merupakan teknologi animasi web yang paling populer saat ini sehingga banyak didukung oleh berbagai pihak.
  • Ukuran file yang kecil dengan kualitas yang baik
  • Kebutuhan Hardware yang tidak tinggi
  • Dapat membuat website, cd-interaktif, animasi web, animasi kartun, kartu elektronik, iklan TV, banner di web, presentasi cantik, membuat permainan (game), aplikasi web dan handphone.
  • Dapat ditampilkan di banyak media seperti Web, CD-ROM, VCD, DVD, Televisi, Handphone dan PDA.
Teknologi Flash

Flash sekarang bukan hanya sebagai software saja dengan nama Adobe Flash, tetapi juga merupakan suatu teknologi animasi di web. Jadi untuk membuat animasi web dengan format Flash (SWF) kita tidak harus menggunakan software Adobe Flash, tetapi bisa menggunakan software lain seperti SwishMax, Vecta 3D, Swift 3D, Amara, Kool Moves dan masih banyak lagi.

Versi Macromedia atau Adobe Flash
  • Macromedia Flash 2 (1997)
  • Macromedia Flash 3 (1998)
  • Macromedia Flash 4 (1999)
  • Macromedia Flash 5 (2000)
  • Macromedia Flash 6 (2002) atau Macromedia Flash MX
  • Macromedia Flash 7 (2003) atau Macromedia Flash MX 2004
  • Macromedia Flash 8 (2005)
  • Adobe Flash 9 (2007) atau Adobe Flash CS3
Anda tidak usah bingung untuk menggunakan versi yang mana, kalau hanya untuk keperluan menggambar atau animasi, Flash versi 4 atau 5 pun lebih dari cukup kalau komputer Anda Pentium 3. Jadi silahkan menggunakan versi yang tidak memberatkan komputer Anda, tidak usah memaksa harus menggunakan versi terbaru.

Kini adalah suatu kebutuhan atau keharusan (seperti menulis) untuk belajar suatu software perkantoran. Minimal bisa mengoperasikan produk Microsoft seperti Windows, Microsoft Word, Excel dan Power Point. Atau produk Open Source seperti Linux, Star Office.

Apa Itu Flash..?
Artikel saya sebelumnya langsung pada penggunaan fitur2 pada Adobe Flash CS3 untuk membuat suatu animasi. Tapi mungkin ada beberapa yang bertanya-tanya apa itu Flash? Apa kegunaannya?.
Adobe Flash (dahulu bernama Macromedia Flash) adalah salah satu perangkat lunak komputer yang merupakan produk unggulan Adobe Systems. Adobe Flash digunakan untuk membuat gambar vektoranimasi gambar tersebut. Berkas yang dihasilkan dari perangkat lunak ini mempunyai file extension .swf dan dapat diputar di penjelajah web yang telah dipasangi Adobe Flash Player. Flash menggunakan bahasa pemrograman bernama ActionScript yang muncul pertama kalinya pada Flash 5. maupun
Sebelum tahun 2005, Flash dirilis oleh Macromedia. Flash 1.0 diluncurkan pada tahun 1996 setelah Macromedia membeli program animasi vektor bernama FutureSplash. Versi terakhir yang diluncurkan di pasaran dengan menggunakan nama 'Macromedia' adalah adalah Macromedia Flash 8. Pada tanggal 3 Desember 2005 Adobe Systems mengakuisisi Macromedia dan seluruh produknya, sehingga nama Macromedia Flash berubah menjadi Adobe Flash.
Kelengkapan feature dan tools yang dimiliki, menjadikan program pengolah animasi ini pilihan wajib para Animator dan para professional lainnya. Banyak hal yang dapat dilakuan dengan aplikasi pembuat animasi ini, diantaranya adalah: mendesain interface suatu halaman web, membuat presentasi, membuat game, membuat multimedia interaktif dan masih banyak lagi yang dapat dilakukan dengan program aplikasi yang satu ini. Beragamnya kegunaan dari Adobe Flash ini menuntut tiap orang untuk mampu menggunakan program aplikasi ini.

Lampu kilat berasal dengan SmartSketch aplikasi, yang dikembangkan oleh Jonathan Gay. Buku ini diterbitkan oleh FutureWave Software, yang didirikan oleh Gay dan Charlie Jackson. SmartSketch adalah aplikasi menggambar untuk komputer pena menjalankan OS PenPoint [2] [3]. Ketika PenPoint gagal di pasar, SmartSketch adalah porting ke Microsoft Windows dan Mac OS. Sebagai internet menjadi lebih populer, menambahkan animasi FutureWave sel dengan kemampuan mengedit gambar vektor SmartSketch Animator dan dirilis FutureSplash pada berbagai platform [4]. FutureWave mendekati Adobe Systems dengan tawaran untuk menjual mereka FutureSplash pada tahun 1995, tapi Adobe menolaknya di waktu itu. FutureSplash digunakan oleh Microsoft dalam pekerjaan awal dengan Internet (MSN), dan juga oleh Disney Online berbasis langganan layanan mereka, Blast Harian Disney. Pada tahun 1996, FutureSplash diakuisisi oleh Macromedia dan dirilis sebagai Flash, kontraktor "Masa Depan" dan "Splash". Flash saat ini dikembangkan dan didistribusikan oleh Adobe Systems, sebagai hasil dari 2005 pembelian mereka dari Macromedia

Flash originated with the application SmartSketch, developed by Jonathan Gay. It was published by FutureWave Software, which was founded by Gay and Charlie Jackson. SmartSketch was a drawing application for pen computers running the PenPoint OS.[2][3] When PenPoint failed in the marketplace, SmartSketch was ported to Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. As the Internet became more popular, FutureWave added cell animation editing to the vector drawing capabilities of SmartSketch and released FutureSplash Animator on multiple platforms.[4] FutureWave approached Adobe Systems with an offer to sell them FutureSplash in 1995, but Adobe turned them down at that time. FutureSplash was used by Microsoft in its early work with the Internet (MSN), and also by Disney Online for their subscription-based service, Disney's Daily Blast. In 1996, FutureSplash was acquired by Macromedia and released as Flash, contracting "Future" and "Splash". Flash is currently developed and distributed by Adobe Systems, as the result of their 2005 purchase of Macromedia.

[sunting] Aplikasi Rich Internet
Adobe Labs (sebelumnya disebut Macromedia Labs) adalah sumber berita dan pra-rilis versi produk baru dan teknologi dari Adobe. Kebanyakan inovasi, seperti Flash 10, Flex 3, dan ActionScript 3.0 semuanya telah dibahas dan / atau diuji coba di situs.
Salah satu daerah Adobe berfokus pada (per Februari 2009) adalah penyebaran Rich Internet Applications (RIA). Untuk tujuan ini, mereka merilis Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR), cross-platform runtime lingkungan yang membangun aplikasi internet kaya dalam Adobe Flash. Output dapat digunakan sebagai aplikasi desktop. Ini melampaui 100 juta instalasi di seluruh dunia pada Februari 2009 [5] Flash dapat diinstal secara independen dari situs web Adobe

 [edit] Rich Internet applications

Adobe Labs (previously called Macromedia Labs) is a source for news and pre-release versions of emerging products and technologies from Adobe. Most innovations, such as Flash 10, Flex 3, and ActionScript 3.0 have all been discussed and/or trialled on the site.
One area Adobe is focusing on (as of February 2009) is the deployment of Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). To this end, they released Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR), a cross-platform runtime environment that builds rich internet applications in Adobe Flash. The output can be deployed as desktop applications. It surpassed 100 million installations worldwide in February 2009.[5] Flash can be installed independently from Adobe's website (adobe.com) and is installed silently when Adobe Reader is installed.[6][not in citation given]
Two additional components designed for large-scale implementation have been proposed by Adobe for future releases of Flash: first, the option to require an ad to be played in full before the main video piece is played; and second, the integration of digital rights management (DRM) capabilities. This way Adobe can give companies the option to link an advertisement with content and make sure that both are played and remain unchanged.
[sunting] Proyek Open Screen
Pada tanggal 1 Mei 2008, Adobe mengumumkan Open Screen Project, yang berharap untuk menyediakan antarmuka aplikasi yang konsisten di seluruh perangkat seperti komputer pribadi, perangkat mobile, dan elektronik konsumen [8] Ketika proyek itu diumumkan, beberapa tujuan yang digariskan:. Yang penghapusan biaya lisensi untuk Adobe Flash player dan Adobe Integrated Runtime, penghapusan pembatasan pada penggunaan Shockwave Flash (SWF) dan Flash Video (FLV) format file, penerbitan interface pemrograman aplikasi untuk Flash port untuk perangkat baru, dan penerbitan protokol Cast flash dan Format Aksi Pesan (AMF), yang memungkinkan aplikasi Flash menerima informasi dari remote database. [8]
Pada Februari 2009, spesifikasi menghapus pembatasan penggunaan SWF dan spesifikasi FLV/F4V telah diterbitkan [9] Cast Flash. Protokol-sekarang dikenal sebagai Mobile Content Pengiriman Protokol-protokol dan AMF juga telah tersedia, [9] dengan AMF tersedia sebagai sebuah implementasi open source, BlazeDS. Bekerja pada lapisan perangkat port berada dalam tahap awal. Adobe bermaksud untuk menghapus biaya lisensi untuk Flash Player dan Adobe AIR untuk perangkat pada pembebasan mereka untuk Proyek Open Screen.
Daftar penyedia perangkat mobile yang telah bergabung dengan proyek ini meliputi Palm, Motorola, dan Nokia, [10] yang, bersama-sama dengan Adobe, telah mengumumkan dana $ 10.000.000 Proyek Layar Terbuka.

 [edit] Open Screen Project
On May 1, 2008, Adobe announced the Open Screen Project, which hopes to provide a consistent application interface across devices such as personal computers, mobile devices, and consumer electronics.[8] When the project was announced, several goals were outlined: the abolition of licensing fees for Adobe Flash Player and Adobe Integrated Runtime, the removal of restrictions on the use of the Shockwave Flash (SWF) and Flash Video (FLV) file formats, the publishing of application programming interfaces for porting Flash to new devices, and the publishing of The Flash Cast protocol and Action Message Format (AMF), which let Flash applications receive information from remote databases.[8]
As of February 2009, the specifications removing the restrictions on the use of SWF and FLV/F4V specs have been published.[9] The Flash Cast protocol—now known as the Mobile Content Delivery Protocol—and AMF protocols have also been made available,[9] with AMF available as an open source implementation, BlazeDS. Work on the device porting layers is in the early stages. Adobe intends to remove the licensing fees for Flash Player and Adobe AIR for devices at their release for the Open Screen Project.
The list of mobile device providers who have joined the project includes Palm, Motorola, and Nokia,[10] who, together with Adobe, have announced a $10 million Open Screen Project fund.[11]

[edit] Flash for mobile platforms

Flash Player for smart phones was made available to handset manufacturers at the end of 2009.[12]

[edit] Possible decline

In November 2011 there were a number of announcements that demonstrated a possible decline in demand for rich Internet application architectures, and Flash in particular.[13]
Furthermore, in November 2011 Adobe announced the end of Flash for mobile platforms or TV, instead focusing on HTML5 for browser content and Adobe AIR for the various mobile AppStores.[14][15][16] Pundits questioned its continued relevance even on the desktop[17] and described it as "the beginning of the end".[18] RIM announced that it would continue to develop Flash for the PlayBook.[19]

[edit] Format

Main article: SWF
Flash files are in the SWF format, traditionally called "ShockWave Flash" movies, "Flash movies," or "Flash applications", usually have a .swf file extension, and may be used in the form of a web page plug-in, strictly "played" in a standalone Flash Player, or incorporated into a self-executing Projector movie (with the .exe extension in Microsoft Windows). Flash Video files[spec 1] have a .flv file extension and are either used from within .swf files or played through a flv-aware player, such as VLC, or QuickTime and Windows Media Player with external codecs added.
The use of vector graphics combined with program code allows Flash files to be smaller—and thus for streams to use less bandwidth—than the corresponding bitmaps or video clips. For content in a single format (such as just text, video, or audio), other alternatives may provide better performance and consume less CPU power than the corresponding Flash movie, for example when using transparency or making large screen updates such as photographic or text fades.
In addition to a vector-rendering engine, the Flash Player includes a virtual machine called the ActionScript Virtual Machine (AVM) for scripting interactivity at run-time, support for video, MP3-based audio, and bitmap graphics. As of Flash Player 8, it offers two video codecs: On2 Technologies VP6 and Sorenson Spark, and run-time support for JPEG, Progressive JPEG, PNG, and GIF. In the next version, Flash is slated to use a just-in-time compiler for the ActionScript engine.
Flash Player is a browser plugin, and cannot run within a usual e-mail client, such as Outlook. Instead, a link must open a browser window. A Gmail labs feature allows playback of YouTube videos linked in emails.

[edit] Flash Video

Main article: Flash Video
Virtually all browser plugins for video are free of charge and cross-platform, including Adobe's offering of Flash Video, which was first introduced with Flash version 6. Flash Video has been a popular choice for websites due to the large installed user base and programmability of Flash. In 2010, Apple publicly criticized Adobe Flash, including its implementation of video playback for not taking advantage of hardware acceleration, one reason Flash is not to be found on Apple's mobile devices. Soon after Apple's criticism, Adobe demoed and released a beta version of Flash 10.1, which takes advantage of GPU hardware acceleration even on a Mac. Flash 10.2 beta, released December 2010, adds hardware acceleration for the whole video rendering pipeline.

[edit] Flash Audio

Flash Audio is most commonly encoded in MP3 or AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) however it does also support ADPCM, Nellymoser (Nellymoser Asao Codec) and Speex audio codecs. Flash allows sample rates of 11, 22 and 44.1 kHz. It does not support 48 kHz audio sample rate, which is the standard TV and DVD sample rate.
On August 20, 2007, Adobe announced on its blog that with Update 3 of Flash Player 9, Flash Video will also support some parts of the MPEG-4 international standards.[20] Specifically, Flash Player will have support for video compressed in H.264 (MPEG-4 Part 10), audio compressed using AAC (MPEG-4 Part 3), the F4V, MP4 (MPEG-4 Part 14), M4V, M4A, 3GP and MOV multimedia container formats, 3GPP Timed Text specification (MPEG-4 Part 17), which is a standardized subtitle format and partial parsing support for the 'ilst' atom, which is the ID3 equivalent iTunes uses to store metadata. MPEG-4 Part 2 and H.263 will not be supported in F4V file format. Adobe also announced that it will be gradually moving away from the FLV format to the standard ISO base media file format (MPEG-4 Part 12) owing to functional limits with the FLV structure when streaming H.264. The final release of the Flash Player supporting some parts of MPEG-4 standards had become available in Fall 2007.[21]
Adobe Flash Player 10.1 does not support acoustic echo cancellation, unlike the VoIP offerings of Skype and Google Voice, making this and earlier versions of Flash less suitable for group calling or meetings. Flash Player 10.3 Beta incorporates acoustic echo cancellation.
Adobe previously announced that version 11 of Adobe Flash Player would support the new royalty-free container, WebM, but for yet unclarified reasons there is no WebM support in Adobe Flash Player 11.See announcement

[edit] Scripting language

Further information: ActionScript

[edit] Vendor dependence

The reliance on Adobe for decoding Flash is seen as a concern by advocates of open standards and free software. Proponents of open standards generally favor formats for which specifications are openly available and complete enough to make independent implementation straightforward. One advantage is that data stored in the format will be future proof in the presence of such specifications. Another possible advantage, as desired by proponents of free software, is having a usable implementation in free software.
Adobe's restrictions on the use of the SWF/FLV specifications have been lifted as of February 2009 (see Adobe's Open Screen Project). However, despite efforts of projects like Gnash, Swfdec and Lightspark, a complete free software Flash player is yet to be seen, as of September 2011. For example, Gnash has no support for SWF v10 yet.[22] Notably, Gnash has been a long standing high priority project of the Free Software Foundation, first noted by this article in December 2007 and ranked number one in September 2011.
Historically, notable representants of free software, open standards and the World Wide Web have warned against use of Flash for the above reasons:
Founder of Mozilla Europe, Tristan Nitot, problematized in 2008: [23]
Companies building websites should beware of proprietary rich-media technologies like Adobe's Flash and Microsoft's Silverlight. (…) You're producing content for your users and there's someone in the middle deciding whether users should see your content.
Representing open standards, inventor of CSS and co-author of HTML5, Håkon Wium Lie explained in a Google tech talk of 2007, entitled "the <video> element", the proposal of Theora as the format for HTML5 video:[24]
I believe very strongly, that we need to agree on some kind of baseline video format if [the video element] is going to succeed. Flash is today the baseline format on the web. The problem with Flash is that it's not an open standard.
Presenting the free software movement, Richard Stallman stated in a speech in 2004 that:[25]
The use of Flash in websites is a major problem for our community.

[edit] Disclosure

In October 1998, Macromedia disclosed the Flash Version 3 Specification to the world on its website. It did this in response to many new and often semi-open formats competing with SWF, such as Xara's Flare and Sharp's Extended Vector Animation formats. Several developers quickly created a C library for producing SWF. In February 1999, the company introduced MorphInk 99, the first third-party program to create SWF files. Macromedia also hired Middlesoft to create a freely available developers' kit for the SWF file format versions 3 to 5.
Macromedia made the Flash Files specifications for versions 6 and later available only under a non-disclosure agreement, but they are widely available from various sites.
In April 2006, the Flash SWF file format specification was released with details on the then newest version format (Flash 8). Although still lacking specific information on the incorporated video compression formats (On2, Sorenson Spark, etc.), this new documentation covered all the new features offered in Flash v8 including new ActionScript commands, expressive filter controls, and so on. The file format specification document is offered only to developers who agree to a license agreement that permits them to use the specifications only to develop programs that can export to the Flash file format. The license forbids the use of the specifications to create programs that can be used for playback of Flash files. The Flash 9 specification was made available under similar restrictions.[26]
In June 2009, Adobe launched the Open Screen Project (Adobe link), which made the SWF specification available without restrictions. Previously, developers could not use the specification for making SWF-compatible players, but only for making SWF-exporting authoring software. The specification still omits information on codecs such as Sorenson Spark, however.[27]

[edit] Authoring tools

[edit] Adobe Flash Professional

The Adobe Flash Professional multimedia authoring program is used to create content for the Adobe Engagement Platform, such as web applications, games and movies, and content for mobile phones and other embedded devices.

[edit] Third-party tools

Open Source projects like Ajax Animator and the (now defunct) UIRA aim to create a Flash development environment, complete with a graphical user environment. Alternatively, programs such as Vectorian Giotto, swfmill, SWFTools, and MTASC provide tools to create SWF files, but do so by compiling text, actionscript or XML files into Flash animations. It is also possible to create SWF files programmatically using the Ming library, which has interfaces for C, PHP, C++, Perl, Python, and Ruby. haXe is an open source, high-level object-oriented programming language geared towards web-content creation that can compile Flash files.
Many shareware developers produced Flash creation tools and sold them for under US$50 between 2000 and 2002. In 2003 competition and the emergence of free Flash creation tools had driven many third-party Flash-creation tool-makers out of the market, allowing the remaining developers to raise their prices, although many of the products still cost less than US$100 and support ActionScript. As for open source tools, KToon can edit vectors and generate SWF, but its interface is very different from Macromedia's. Another, more recent example of a Flash creation tool is SWiSH Max made by an ex-employee of Macromedia. Toon Boom Technologies also sells a traditional animation tool, based on Flash.
In addition, several programs create .swf-compliant files as output from their programs. Among the most famous of these are Screencast tools, which leverage the ability to do lossless compression and playback of captured screen content to produce demos, tutorials, or software simulations of programs. These programs are typically designed for use by non-programmers, and create Flash content quickly and easily, but cannot actually edit the underlying Flash code (i.e. the tweening and transforms, etc.) Screencam is perhaps the oldest screencasting authoring tool to adopt Flash as the preferred output format, having been developed since the mid-90s. The fact that screencasting programs have adopted Flash as the preferred output is testament to Flash's presence as a ubiquitous cross-platform animation file format.
Other tools focus on creating specific types of Flash content. Anime Studio is a 2D animation software package specialized for character animation that creates SWF files. Express Animator is similarly aimed specifically at animators. Question Writer publishes its quizzes to Flash file format.
Users who are not programmers or web designers will also find on-line tools that allow them to build full Flash-based websites. One of the oldest services available (1998) is FlashToGo. Such companies provide a wide variety of pre-built models (templates) associated to a Content Management System that empowers users to easily build, edit and publish their websites. Other sites, that allows for greater customization and design flexibility are Wix.com and CirclePad.
Adobe wrote a software package called Adobe LiveMotion, designed to create interactive animation content and export it to a variety of formats, including SWF. LiveMotion went through two major releases, but failed to gain any notable user base.
In February 2003, Macromedia purchased Presedia, which had developed a Flash authoring tool that automatically converted PowerPoint files into Flash. Macromedia subsequently released the new product as Breeze, which included many new enhancements. In addition, (as of version 2) Apple's Keynote presentation software also allows users to create interactive presentations and export to SWF.

[edit] User experience

[edit] Availability on operating systems

Desktop operating systems
Adobe Flash Player (software) exists for a variety of desktop operating systems, including Windows, Mac OS 9/X, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, OS/2, QNX, BeOS, and IRIX.
Flash as a format has become widespread on the desktop market; one estimate is that 95% of PCs have it,[28] while Adobe claims that 98 percent of U.S. web users and 99.3 percent of all Internet desktop users have installed the Flash Player,[29][30][31] with 92 to 95% (depending on region) having the latest version.[32] Numbers vary depending on the detection scheme and research demographics.
Adobe Flash (dahulu bernama Macromedia Flash) adalah salah satu perangkat lunak komputer yang merupakan produk unggulan Adobe Systems. Adobe Flash digunakan untuk membuat gambar vektor maupun animasi gambar tersebut. Berkas yang dihasilkan dari perangkat lunak ini mempunyai file extension .swf dan dapat diputar di penjelajah web yang telah dipasangi Adobe Flash Player. Flash menggunakan bahasa pemrograman bernama ActionScript yang muncul pertama kalinya pada Flash 5.
Sebelum tahun 2005, Flash dirilis oleh Macromedia. Flash 1.0 diluncurkan pada tahun 1996 setelah Macromedia membeli program animasi vektor bernama FutureSplash. Versi terakhir yang diluncurkan di pasaran dengan menggunakan nama ‘Macromedia’ adalah adalah Macromedia Flash 8. Pada tanggal 3 Desember 2005 Adobe Systems mengakuisisi Macromedia dan seluruh produknya, sehingga nama Macromedia Flash berubah menjadi Adobe Flash.
Adobe Flash merupakan sebuah program yang didesain khusus oleh Adobe dan program aplikasi standar authoring tool professional yang digunakan untuk membuat animasi dan bitmap yang sangat menarik untuk keperluan pembangunan situs web yang interaktif dan dinamis. Flash didesain dengan kemampuan untuk membuat animasi 2 dimensi yang handal dan ringan sehingga flash banyak digunakan untuk membangun dan memberikan efek animasi pada website, CD Interaktif dan yang lainnya. Selain itu aplikasi ini juga dapat digunakan untuk membuat animasi logo, movie, game, pembuatan navigasi pada situs web, tombol animasi, banner, menu interaktif, interaktif form isian, e-card, screen saver dan pembuatan aplikasi-aplikasi web lainnya. Dalam Flash, terdapat teknik-teknik membuat animasi, fasilitas action script, filter, custom easing dan dapat memasukkan video lengkap dengan fasilitas playback FLV. Keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh Flash ini adalah ia mampu diberikan sedikit code pemograman baik yang berjalan sendiri untuk mengatur animasi yang ada didalamnya atau digunakan untuk berkomunikasi dengan program lain seperti HTML, PHP, dan Database dengan pendekatan XML, dapat dikolaborasikan dengan web, karena mempunyai keunggulan antara lain kecil dalam ukuran file outputnya
Movie-movie Flash memiliki ukuran file yang kecil dan dapat ditampilkan dengan ukuran layar yang dapat disesuaikan dengan keingginan. Aplikasi Flash merupakan sebuah standar aplikasi industri perancangan animasi web dengan peningkatan pengaturan dan perluasan kemampuan integrasi yang lebih baik. Banyak fiture-fiture baru dalam Flash yang dapat meningkatkan kreativitas dalam pembuatan isi media yang kaya dengan memanfaatkan kemampuan aplikasi tersebut secara maksimal. Fiture-fiture baru ini membantu kita lebih memusatkan perhatian pada desain yang dibuat secara cepat, bukannya memusatkan pada cara kerja dan penggunaan aplikasi tersebut. Flash juga dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan secara cepat aplikasi-aplikasi web yang kaya dengan pembuatan script tingkat lanjut. Di dalam aplikasinya juga tersedia sebuah alat untuk men-debug script. Dengan menggunakan Code hint untuk mempermudah dan mempercepat pembuatan dan pengembangan isi ActionScript secara otomatis.
sumber : wiki
Cara mudahnya untuk mengenali sebuah objek flash di halaman web adalah dengan mengklik kanan. Pada Flash ketika kita mengklik kanan akan muncul pop up menu yang berbeda dengan mengklik pada objek lain. Tidak akan ditemukan Save Image, Copi link, atau refresh seperti umumnya. Menu yang keluar adalah menu custom untuk flash itu sendiri yang isinya dapat berbeda – beda.
Flash ini biasanya berisi iklan berupa banner di sela-sela halaman web. Tapi bisa juga berupa gmae, kartu ucapan, maupun presentasi.

Animasi Burung Terbang
Publish: 17 April 2010 | Author & Copyright: Miko | Status: FREE tutorial

Dalam Tutorial kali ini akan membahas bagaimana membuat animasi sederhana dengan mode Frame by frame yaitu animasi dengan membuat gambar perframe beda halnya dengan Motion Tweening teknik frame by frame memerlukan waktu yang cukup banyak karma dalam setiap frame kita harus membuat gambar yang tidak sama, pada tutorial kali ini objek yang akan kita gunakan yaitu sebuah ilustrasi burung dan aplikasi yang digunakan yaitu Macromedia Flash MX Professional 2004

Langkah pertama yaitu buatlah gambar ilustrasi burung sebanyak 3 kali dengan menggunakan Toolbox Brush Tool
tutorial flash
Untuk membuatnya perhatikan gambar dibawah ini
tutorial flash
Buatlah ilustrasi gambar burung dengan brush tool bisa juga menggunakan Pen Tool
Sebelum menginjak langkah selanjutnya copy gambar yang sudah dibuat tadi, tujuannya yaitu agar kita tidak usah repot-repot membuat badan burung lagi jadi pada akhirnya  kita tinggal paste gambar setelah itu nanti hanya menambah bentuk sayap yang berbeda saja
tutorial flash
buatlah sayap pada bagian atas , pada bagian ini kita sedang membuat gambar 1
tutorial flash
Masuk ke pembuatan gambar kedua buatlah bentuk sayap di bawah
tutorial flash

tutorial flash
Untuk gambar yang terakhir buatlah sayap diatas punggung burung tetapi agak rendah sedikit, jika sudah selesai tinggal pewarnaan pada gambar
langkah selanjutnya yaitu pembuatan animasinya pada gambar 1 letakkan dikeyframe pertama , atur posisi gambar sesuai keinginan anda asal semua gambar harus di 1 posisi yang sama semua
tutorial flash
buatlah Keyframe dengan cara klik kanan frame kedua >> pilih Insert Keyframe, setelah itu masukan Gambar 2
tutorial flash
buatlah Keyframe dan masukan gambar 3 keposisi yang sudah kita tentukan tadi
 tutorial flash
langkah selanjutnya blok semua Frame yang telah kita buat >> klik kanan dan pilih Copy Frame. Kemudian Paste ke frame selanjutnya
tutorial flashtutorial flash
Hasilnya bisa dilihat dengan cara pilih Menu Control >> pilih Play atau Ctrl+Enter
tutorial flash

Animasi Burung Terbang :)
salam kreatif by MIKO IG
Selamat Belajar Flash, SEMOGA BERMANFAAT
Title: belajar fkash untuk pemula; Written by mantotkj; Rating: 5 dari 5

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